Removed a redundant list item and updated section title for deleting Firecrawl. The "Delete Firecrawl" section is now more concise and does not refer specifically to an environment, making it more generally applicable.
Install Firecrawl on a Kubernetes Cluster (Simple Version)
Before installing
- Set secret.yaml and configmap.yaml and do not check in secrets
- Build Docker images, and host it in your Docker Registry (replace the target registry with your own)
- API (which is also used as a worker image)
docker build -t ghcr.io/winkk-dev/firecrawl-playwright:latest ../../apps/api docker push ghcr.io/winkk-dev/firecrawl-playwright:latest
- Playwright
docker build -t ghcr.io/winkk-dev/firecrawl:latest ../../apps/playwright-service docker push ghcr.io/winkk-dev/firecrawl:latest
- API (which is also used as a worker image)
- Replace the image in worker.yaml, api.yaml and playwright-service.yaml
kubectl apply -f configmap.yaml
kubectl apply -f secret.yaml
kubectl apply -f playwright-service.yaml
kubectl apply -f api.yaml
kubectl apply -f worker.yaml
kubectl apply -f redis.yaml
Port Forwarding for Testing
kubectl port-forward svc/api 3002:3002 -n dev
Delete Firecrawl
kubectl delete -f configmap.yaml
kubectl delete -f secret.yaml
kubectl delete -f playwright-service.yaml
kubectl delete -f api.yaml
kubectl delete -f worker.yaml
kubectl delete -f redis.yaml