import { parseApi } from "../../src/lib/parseApi"; import { getRateLimiter, crawlRateLimit, scrapeRateLimit } from "../../src/services/rate-limiter"; import { AuthResponse, RateLimiterMode } from "../../src/types"; import { supabase_service } from "../../src/services/supabase"; import { withAuth } from "../../src/lib/withAuth"; import { RateLimiterRedis } from "rate-limiter-flexible"; export async function authenticateUser(req, res, mode?: RateLimiterMode) : Promise { return withAuth(supaAuthenticateUser)(req, res, mode); } export async function supaAuthenticateUser( req, res, mode?: RateLimiterMode ): Promise<{ success: boolean; team_id?: string; error?: string; status?: number; }> { const authHeader = req.headers.authorization; if (!authHeader) { return { success: false, error: "Unauthorized", status: 401 }; } const token = authHeader.split(" ")[1]; // Extract the token from "Bearer " if (!token) { return { success: false, error: "Unauthorized: Token missing", status: 401, }; } const incomingIP = (req.headers["x-forwarded-for"] || req.socket.remoteAddress) as string; const iptoken = incomingIP + token; let rateLimiter: RateLimiterRedis; let subscriptionData: { team_id: string, plan: string } | null = null; let normalizedApi: string; if (token == "this_is_just_a_preview_token") { rateLimiter = getRateLimiter(RateLimiterMode.Preview, token); } else { normalizedApi = parseApi(token); const { data, error } = await supabase_service.rpc( 'get_key_and_price_id_2', { api_key: normalizedApi } ); // get_key_and_price_id_2 rpc definition: // create or replace function get_key_and_price_id_2(api_key uuid) // returns table(key uuid, team_id uuid, price_id text) as $$ // begin // if api_key is null then // return query // select null::uuid as key, null::uuid as team_id, null::text as price_id; // end if; // return query // select ak.key, ak.team_id, s.price_id // from api_keys ak // left join subscriptions s on ak.team_id = s.team_id // where ak.key = api_key; // end; // $$ language plpgsql; if (error) { console.error('Error fetching key and price_id:', error); } else { console.log('Key and Price ID:', data); } if (error || !data || data.length === 0) { return { success: false, error: "Unauthorized: Invalid token", status: 401, }; } subscriptionData = { team_id: data[0].team_id, plan: getPlanByPriceId(data[0].price_id) } switch (mode) { case RateLimiterMode.Crawl: rateLimiter = crawlRateLimit(subscriptionData.plan); break; case RateLimiterMode.Scrape: rateLimiter = scrapeRateLimit(subscriptionData.plan); break; case RateLimiterMode.CrawlStatus: rateLimiter = getRateLimiter(RateLimiterMode.CrawlStatus, token); break; default: rateLimiter = getRateLimiter(RateLimiterMode.Crawl, token); break; // case RateLimiterMode.Search: // rateLimiter = await searchRateLimiter(RateLimiterMode.Search, token); // break; } } try { await rateLimiter.consume(iptoken); } catch (rateLimiterRes) { console.error(rateLimiterRes); return { success: false, error: "Rate limit exceeded. Too many requests, try again in 1 minute.", status: 429, }; } if ( token === "this_is_just_a_preview_token" && (mode === RateLimiterMode.Scrape || mode === RateLimiterMode.Preview || mode === RateLimiterMode.Search) ) { return { success: true, team_id: "preview" }; // check the origin of the request and make sure its from // const origin = req.headers.origin; // if (origin && origin.includes("")){ // return { success: true, team_id: "preview" }; // } // if(process.env.ENV !== "production") { // return { success: true, team_id: "preview" }; // } // return { success: false, error: "Unauthorized: Invalid token", status: 401 }; } // make sure api key is valid, based on the api_keys table in supabase if (!subscriptionData) { normalizedApi = parseApi(token); const { data, error } = await supabase_service .from("api_keys") .select("*") .eq("key", normalizedApi); if (error || !data || data.length === 0) { return { success: false, error: "Unauthorized: Invalid token", status: 401, }; } subscriptionData = data[0]; } return { success: true, team_id: subscriptionData.team_id }; } function getPlanByPriceId(price_id: string) { switch (price_id) { case process.env.STRIPE_PRICE_ID_STANDARD: return 'standard'; case process.env.STRIPE_PRICE_ID_SCALE: return 'scale'; default: return 'starter'; } }