import axios from "axios"; import cheerio, { load } from "cheerio"; import { URL } from "url"; import { getLinksFromSitemap } from "./sitemap"; import async from "async"; import { Progress } from "../../lib/entities"; import { scrapSingleUrl, scrapWithScrapingBee } from "./single_url"; import robotsParser from "robots-parser"; export class WebCrawler { private initialUrl: string; private baseUrl: string; private includes: string[]; private excludes: string[]; private maxCrawledLinks: number; private maxCrawledDepth: number; private visited: Set = new Set(); private crawledUrls: Map = new Map(); private limit: number; private robotsTxtUrl: string; private robots: any; private generateImgAltText: boolean; constructor({ initialUrl, includes, excludes, maxCrawledLinks, limit = 10000, generateImgAltText = false, maxCrawledDepth = 10, }: { initialUrl: string; includes?: string[]; excludes?: string[]; maxCrawledLinks?: number; limit?: number; generateImgAltText?: boolean; maxCrawledDepth?: number; }) { this.initialUrl = initialUrl; this.baseUrl = new URL(initialUrl).origin; this.includes = includes ?? []; this.excludes = excludes ?? []; this.limit = limit; this.robotsTxtUrl = `${this.baseUrl}/robots.txt`; this.robots = robotsParser(this.robotsTxtUrl, ""); // Deprecated, use limit instead this.maxCrawledLinks = maxCrawledLinks ?? limit; this.maxCrawledDepth = maxCrawledDepth ?? 10; this.generateImgAltText = generateImgAltText ?? false; } private filterLinks(sitemapLinks: string[], limit: number, maxDepth: number): string[] { return sitemapLinks .filter((link) => { const url = new URL(link); const path = url.pathname; const depth = url.pathname.split('/').length - 1; // Check if the link exceeds the maximum depth allowed if (depth > maxDepth) { return false; } // Check if the link should be excluded if (this.excludes.length > 0 && this.excludes[0] !== "") { if ( this.excludes.some((excludePattern) => new RegExp(excludePattern).test(path) ) ) { return false; } } // Check if the link matches the include patterns, if any are specified if (this.includes.length > 0 && this.includes[0] !== "") { if (!this.includes.some((includePattern) => new RegExp(includePattern).test(path) )) { return false; } } // Normalize the initial URL and the link to account for www and non-www versions const normalizedInitialUrl = new URL(this.initialUrl); const normalizedLink = new URL(link); const initialHostname = normalizedInitialUrl.hostname.replace(/^www\./, ''); const linkHostname = normalizedLink.hostname.replace(/^www\./, ''); // Ensure the protocol and hostname match, and the path starts with the initial URL's path if (linkHostname !== initialHostname || !normalizedLink.pathname.startsWith(normalizedInitialUrl.pathname)) { return false; } const isAllowed = this.robots.isAllowed(link, "FireCrawlAgent") ?? true; // Check if the link is disallowed by robots.txt if (!isAllowed) { console.log(`Link disallowed by robots.txt: ${link}`); return false; } return true; }) .slice(0, limit); } public async start( inProgress?: (progress: Progress) => void, concurrencyLimit: number = 5, limit: number = 10000, maxDepth: number = 10 ): Promise<{ url: string, html: string }[]> { // Fetch and parse robots.txt try { const response = await axios.get(this.robotsTxtUrl); this.robots = robotsParser(this.robotsTxtUrl,; } catch (error) { console.error(`Failed to fetch robots.txt from ${this.robotsTxtUrl}`); } const sitemapLinks = await this.tryFetchSitemapLinks(this.initialUrl); if (sitemapLinks.length > 0) { let filteredLinks = this.filterLinks(sitemapLinks, limit, maxDepth); return => ({ url: link, html: "" })); } const urls = await this.crawlUrls( [this.initialUrl], concurrencyLimit, inProgress ); if ( urls.length === 0 && this.filterLinks([this.initialUrl], limit, this.maxCrawledDepth).length > 0 ) { return [{ url: this.initialUrl, html: "" }]; } // make sure to run include exclude here again const filteredUrls = this.filterLinks( => urlObj.url), limit, this.maxCrawledDepth); return => ({ url, html: urls.find(urlObj => urlObj.url === url)?.html || "" })); } private async crawlUrls( urls: string[], concurrencyLimit: number, inProgress?: (progress: Progress) => void, ): Promise<{ url: string, html: string }[]> { const queue = async.queue(async (task: string, callback) => { if (this.crawledUrls.size >= this.maxCrawledLinks) { if (callback && typeof callback === "function") { callback(); } return; } const newUrls = await this.crawl(task); // add the initial url if not already added // if (this.visited.size === 1) { // let normalizedInitial = this.initialUrl; // if (!normalizedInitial.endsWith("/")) { // normalizedInitial = normalizedInitial + "/"; // } // if (!newUrls.some(page => page.url === this.initialUrl)) { // newUrls.push({ url: this.initialUrl, html: "" }); // } // } newUrls.forEach((page) => this.crawledUrls.set(page.url, page.html)); if (inProgress && newUrls.length > 0) { inProgress({ current: this.crawledUrls.size, total: this.maxCrawledLinks, status: "SCRAPING", currentDocumentUrl: newUrls[newUrls.length - 1].url, }); } else if (inProgress) { inProgress({ current: this.crawledUrls.size, total: this.maxCrawledLinks, status: "SCRAPING", currentDocumentUrl: task, }); } await this.crawlUrls( => p.url), concurrencyLimit, inProgress); if (callback && typeof callback === "function") { callback(); } }, concurrencyLimit); queue.push( urls.filter( (url) => !this.visited.has(url) && this.robots.isAllowed(url, "FireCrawlAgent") ), (err) => { if (err) console.error(err); } ); await queue.drain(); return Array.from(this.crawledUrls.entries()).map(([url, html]) => ({ url, html })); } async crawl(url: string): Promise<{url: string, html: string}[]> { if (this.visited.has(url) || !this.robots.isAllowed(url, "FireCrawlAgent")){ return []; } this.visited.add(url); if (!url.startsWith("http")) { url = "https://" + url; } if (url.endsWith("/")) { url = url.slice(0, -1); } if (this.isFile(url) || this.isSocialMediaOrEmail(url)) { return []; } try { let content : string = ""; // If it is the first link, fetch with single url if (this.visited.size === 1) { const page = await scrapSingleUrl(url, {includeHtml: true}); content = page.html ?? "" } else { const response = await axios.get(url); content = ?? ""; } const $ = load(content); let links: {url: string, html: string}[] = []; // Add the initial URL to the list of links if(this.visited.size === 1) { links.push({url, html: content}); } $("a").each((_, element) => { const href = $(element).attr("href"); if (href) { let fullUrl = href; if (!href.startsWith("http")) { fullUrl = new URL(href, this.baseUrl).toString(); } const url = new URL(fullUrl); const path = url.pathname; if ( this.isInternalLink(fullUrl) && this.matchesPattern(fullUrl) && this.noSections(fullUrl) && this.matchesIncludes(path) && !this.matchesExcludes(path) && this.robots.isAllowed(fullUrl, "FireCrawlAgent") ) { links.push({url: fullUrl, html: content}); } } }); if(this.visited.size === 1){ return links; } // Create a new list to return to avoid modifying the visited list return links.filter((link) => !this.visited.has(link.url)); } catch (error) { return []; } } private matchesIncludes(url: string): boolean { if (this.includes.length === 0 || this.includes[0] == "") return true; return this.includes.some((pattern) => new RegExp(pattern).test(url)); } private matchesExcludes(url: string): boolean { if (this.excludes.length === 0 || this.excludes[0] == "") return false; return this.excludes.some((pattern) => new RegExp(pattern).test(url)); } private noSections(link: string): boolean { return !link.includes("#"); } private isInternalLink(link: string): boolean { const urlObj = new URL(link, this.baseUrl); const domainWithoutProtocol = this.baseUrl.replace(/^https?:\/\//, ""); return urlObj.hostname === domainWithoutProtocol; } private matchesPattern(link: string): boolean { return true; // Placeholder for future pattern matching implementation } private isFile(url: string): boolean { const fileExtensions = [ ".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".gif", ".css", ".js", ".ico", ".svg", // ".pdf", ".zip", ".exe", ".dmg", ".mp4", ".mp3", ".pptx", // ".docx", ".xlsx", ".xml", ]; return fileExtensions.some((ext) => url.endsWith(ext)); } private isSocialMediaOrEmail(url: string): boolean { const socialMediaOrEmail = [ "", "", "", "", "", "mailto:", ]; return socialMediaOrEmail.some((ext) => url.includes(ext)); } // private async tryFetchSitemapLinks(url: string): Promise { const normalizeUrl = (url: string) => { url = url.replace(/^https?:\/\//, "").replace(/^www\./, ""); if (url.endsWith("/")) { url = url.slice(0, -1); } return url; }; const sitemapUrl = url.endsWith("/sitemap.xml") ? url : `${url}/sitemap.xml`; let sitemapLinks: string[] = []; try { const response = await axios.get(sitemapUrl); if (response.status === 200) { sitemapLinks = await getLinksFromSitemap(sitemapUrl); } } catch (error) { // Error handling for failed sitemap fetch // console.error(`Failed to fetch sitemap from ${sitemapUrl}: ${error}`); } if (sitemapLinks.length === 0) { // If the first one doesn't work, try the base URL const baseUrlSitemap = `${this.baseUrl}/sitemap.xml`; try { const response = await axios.get(baseUrlSitemap); if (response.status === 200) { sitemapLinks = await getLinksFromSitemap(baseUrlSitemap); } } catch (error) { // Error handling for failed base URL sitemap fetch // console.error(`Failed to fetch sitemap from ${baseUrlSitemap}: ${error}`); } } // Normalize and check if the URL is present in any of the sitemaps const normalizedUrl = normalizeUrl(url); const normalizedSitemapLinks = => normalizeUrl(link)); // has to be greater than 0 to avoid adding the initial URL to the sitemap links, and preventing crawler to crawl if (!normalizedSitemapLinks.includes(normalizedUrl) && sitemapLinks.length > 0) { // do not push the normalized url sitemapLinks.push(url); } return sitemapLinks; } }