[ { "website":"https://www.anthropic.com/claude", "prompt":"Does this website contain pricing information?", "expected_output":"yes" }, { "website":"https://mendable.ai/pricing", "prompt":"Does this website contain pricing information?", "expected_output":"yes" }, { "website":"https://openai.com/news", "prompt":"Does this website contain a list of research news?", "expected_output":"yes" }, { "website":"https://agentops.ai", "prompt":"Does this website contain a code snippets?", "expected_output":"yes" }, { "website":"https://ycombinator.com/companies", "prompt":"Does this website contain a list bigger than 5 of ycombinator companies?", "expected_output":"yes" }, { "website":"https://firecrawl.dev", "prompt":"Does this website contain a list bigger than 5 of ycombinator companies?", "expected_output":"yes" }, { "website":"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T._N._Seshan", "prompt":"Does this website talk about Seshan's career?", "expected_output":"yes" }, { "website":"https://mendable.ai/blog", "prompt":"Does this website contain multiple blog articles?", "expected_output":"yes" }, { "website":"https://mendable.ai/blog", "prompt":"Does this website contain multiple blog articles?", "expected_output":"yes" }, { "website":"https://news.ycombinator.com/", "prompt":"Does this website contain a list of articles in a table markdown format?", "expected_output":"yes" }, { "website":"https://www.vellum.ai/llm-leaderboard", "prompt":"Does this website contain a model comparison table?", "expected_output":"yes" } ]