import { Document, PageOptions, WebScraperOptions } from "../../lib/entities"; import { Progress } from "../../lib/entities"; import { scrapSingleUrl } from "./single_url"; import { SitemapEntry, fetchSitemapData, getLinksFromSitemap } from "./sitemap"; import { WebCrawler } from "./crawler"; import { getValue, setValue } from "../../services/redis"; import { getImageDescription } from "./utils/gptVision"; import { fetchAndProcessPdf, isUrlAPdf } from "./utils/pdfProcessor"; import { replaceImgPathsWithAbsolutePaths, replacePathsWithAbsolutePaths } from "./utils/replacePaths"; export class WebScraperDataProvider { private urls: string[] = [""]; private mode: "single_urls" | "sitemap" | "crawl" = "single_urls"; private includes: string[]; private excludes: string[]; private maxCrawledLinks: number; private returnOnlyUrls: boolean; private limit: number = 10000; private concurrentRequests: number = 20; private generateImgAltText: boolean = false; private pageOptions?: PageOptions; private replaceAllPathsWithAbsolutePaths?: boolean = false; authorize(): void { throw new Error("Method not implemented."); } authorizeNango(): Promise { throw new Error("Method not implemented."); } private async convertUrlsToDocuments( urls: string[], inProgress?: (progress: Progress) => void ): Promise { const totalUrls = urls.length; let processedUrls = 0; console.log("Converting urls to documents"); console.log("Total urls", urls); const results: (Document | null)[] = new Array(urls.length).fill(null); for (let i = 0; i < urls.length; i += this.concurrentRequests) { const batchUrls = urls.slice(i, i + this.concurrentRequests); await Promise.all( (url, index) => { const result = await scrapSingleUrl(url, true, this.pageOptions); processedUrls++; if (inProgress) { inProgress({ current: processedUrls, total: totalUrls, status: "SCRAPING", currentDocumentUrl: url, }); } results[i + index] = result; }) ); } return results.filter((result) => result !== null) as Document[]; } async getDocuments( useCaching: boolean = false, inProgress?: (progress: Progress) => void ): Promise { if (this.urls[0].trim() === "") { throw new Error("Url is required"); } if (!useCaching) { if (this.mode === "crawl") { const crawler = new WebCrawler({ initialUrl: this.urls[0], includes: this.includes, excludes: this.excludes, maxCrawledLinks: this.maxCrawledLinks, limit: this.limit, generateImgAltText: this.generateImgAltText, }); let links = await crawler.start(inProgress, 5, this.limit); if (this.returnOnlyUrls) { return => ({ content: "", metadata: { sourceURL: url }, provider: "web", type: "text", })); } let pdfLinks = links.filter(async (link) => await isUrlAPdf({url: link, fastMode: true})); let pdfDocuments: Document[] = []; for (let pdfLink of pdfLinks) { const pdfContent = await fetchAndProcessPdf(pdfLink); pdfDocuments.push({ content: pdfContent, metadata: { sourceURL: pdfLink }, provider: "web-scraper" }); } links = links.filter(async (link) => !await isUrlAPdf({url: link, fastMode: true})); let documents = await this.convertUrlsToDocuments(links, inProgress); documents = await this.getSitemapData(this.urls[0], documents); if (this.replaceAllPathsWithAbsolutePaths) { documents = replacePathsWithAbsolutePaths(documents); } else { documents = replaceImgPathsWithAbsolutePaths(documents); } if (this.generateImgAltText) { documents = await this.generatesImgAltText(documents); } documents = documents.concat(pdfDocuments); // CACHING DOCUMENTS // - parent document const cachedParentDocumentString = await getValue( "web-scraper-cache:" + this.normalizeUrl(this.urls[0]) ); if (cachedParentDocumentString != null) { let cachedParentDocument = JSON.parse(cachedParentDocumentString); if ( !cachedParentDocument.childrenLinks || cachedParentDocument.childrenLinks.length < links.length - 1 ) { cachedParentDocument.childrenLinks = links.filter( (link) => link !== this.urls[0] ); await setValue( "web-scraper-cache:" + this.normalizeUrl(this.urls[0]), JSON.stringify(cachedParentDocument), 60 * 60 * 24 * 10 ); // 10 days } } else { let parentDocument = documents.filter( (document) => this.normalizeUrl(document.metadata.sourceURL) === this.normalizeUrl(this.urls[0]) ); await this.setCachedDocuments(parentDocument, links); } await this.setCachedDocuments( documents.filter( (document) => this.normalizeUrl(document.metadata.sourceURL) !== this.normalizeUrl(this.urls[0]) ), [] ); documents = this.removeChildLinks(documents); documents = documents.splice(0, this.limit); return documents; } if (this.mode === "single_urls") { console.log("Single urls mode"); let pdfDocuments: Document[] = []; let nonPdfUrls: string[] = []; for (let url of this.urls) { console.log("Checking if url is a pdf", url); if (await isUrlAPdf({url: url, fastMode: false})) { const pdfContent = await fetchAndProcessPdf(url); pdfDocuments.push({ content: pdfContent, metadata: { sourceURL: url }, provider: "web-scraper" }); } else { nonPdfUrls.push(url); console.log("Fetching and processing url", url); } } let documents = await this.convertUrlsToDocuments( nonPdfUrls, inProgress ); if (this.replaceAllPathsWithAbsolutePaths) { documents = replacePathsWithAbsolutePaths(documents); } else { documents = replaceImgPathsWithAbsolutePaths(documents); } if (this.generateImgAltText) { documents = await this.generatesImgAltText(documents); } const baseUrl = new URL(this.urls[0]).origin; documents = await this.getSitemapData(baseUrl, documents); documents = documents.concat(pdfDocuments); await this.setCachedDocuments(documents); documents = this.removeChildLinks(documents); documents = documents.splice(0, this.limit); return documents; } if (this.mode === "sitemap") { let links = await getLinksFromSitemap(this.urls[0]); let pdfLinks = links.filter(async (link) => await isUrlAPdf({url: link, fastMode: true})); let pdfDocuments: Document[] = []; for (let pdfLink of pdfLinks) { const pdfContent = await fetchAndProcessPdf(pdfLink); pdfDocuments.push({ content: pdfContent, metadata: { sourceURL: pdfLink }, provider: "web-scraper" }); } links = links.filter(async (link) => !await isUrlAPdf({url: link, fastMode: true})); let documents = await this.convertUrlsToDocuments( links.slice(0, this.limit), inProgress ); documents = await this.getSitemapData(this.urls[0], documents); if (this.replaceAllPathsWithAbsolutePaths) { documents = replacePathsWithAbsolutePaths(documents); } else { documents = replaceImgPathsWithAbsolutePaths(documents); } if (this.generateImgAltText) { documents = await this.generatesImgAltText(documents); } documents = documents.concat(pdfDocuments); await this.setCachedDocuments(documents); documents = this.removeChildLinks(documents); documents = documents.splice(0, this.limit); return documents; } return []; } let documents = await this.getCachedDocuments( this.urls.slice(0, this.limit) ); if (documents.length < this.limit) { const newDocuments: Document[] = await this.getDocuments( false, inProgress ); newDocuments.forEach((doc) => { if ( !documents.some( (d) => this.normalizeUrl(d.metadata.sourceURL) === this.normalizeUrl(doc.metadata?.sourceURL) ) ) { documents.push(doc); } }); } documents = this.filterDocsExcludeInclude(documents); documents = this.removeChildLinks(documents); documents = documents.splice(0, this.limit); return documents; } private filterDocsExcludeInclude(documents: Document[]): Document[] { return documents.filter((document) => { const url = new URL(document.metadata.sourceURL); const path = url.pathname; if (this.excludes.length > 0 && this.excludes[0] !== "") { // Check if the link should be excluded if ( this.excludes.some((excludePattern) => new RegExp(excludePattern).test(path) ) ) { return false; } } if (this.includes.length > 0 && this.includes[0] !== "") { // Check if the link matches the include patterns, if any are specified if (this.includes.length > 0) { return this.includes.some((includePattern) => new RegExp(includePattern).test(path) ); } } return true; }); } private normalizeUrl(url: string): string { if (url.includes("//www.")) { return url.replace("//www.", "//"); } return url; } private removeChildLinks(documents: Document[]): Document[] { for (let document of documents) { if (document?.childrenLinks) delete document.childrenLinks; } return documents; } async setCachedDocuments(documents: Document[], childrenLinks?: string[]) { for (const document of documents) { if (document.content.trim().length === 0) { continue; } const normalizedUrl = this.normalizeUrl(document.metadata.sourceURL); await setValue( "web-scraper-cache:" + normalizedUrl, JSON.stringify({ ...document, childrenLinks: childrenLinks || [], }), 60 * 60 * 24 * 10 ); // 10 days } } async getCachedDocuments(urls: string[]): Promise { let documents: Document[] = []; for (const url of urls) { const normalizedUrl = this.normalizeUrl(url); console.log( "Getting cached document for web-scraper-cache:" + normalizedUrl ); const cachedDocumentString = await getValue( "web-scraper-cache:" + normalizedUrl ); if (cachedDocumentString) { const cachedDocument = JSON.parse(cachedDocumentString); documents.push(cachedDocument); // get children documents for (const childUrl of cachedDocument.childrenLinks) { const normalizedChildUrl = this.normalizeUrl(childUrl); const childCachedDocumentString = await getValue( "web-scraper-cache:" + normalizedChildUrl ); if (childCachedDocumentString) { const childCachedDocument = JSON.parse(childCachedDocumentString); if ( !documents.find( (doc) => doc.metadata.sourceURL === childCachedDocument.metadata.sourceURL ) ) { documents.push(childCachedDocument); } } } } } return documents; } setOptions(options: WebScraperOptions): void { if (!options.urls) { throw new Error("Urls are required"); } this.urls = options.urls; this.mode = options.mode; this.concurrentRequests = options.concurrentRequests ?? 20; this.includes = options.crawlerOptions?.includes ?? []; this.excludes = options.crawlerOptions?.excludes ?? []; this.maxCrawledLinks = options.crawlerOptions?.maxCrawledLinks ?? 1000; this.returnOnlyUrls = options.crawlerOptions?.returnOnlyUrls ?? false; this.limit = options.crawlerOptions?.limit ?? 10000; this.generateImgAltText = options.crawlerOptions?.generateImgAltText ?? false; this.pageOptions = options.pageOptions ?? {onlyMainContent: false}; this.replaceAllPathsWithAbsolutePaths = options.crawlerOptions?.replaceAllPathsWithAbsolutePaths ?? false; //! @nicolas, for some reason this was being injected and breakign everything. Don't have time to find source of the issue so adding this check this.excludes = this.excludes.filter((item) => item !== ""); // make sure all urls start with https:// this.urls = => { if (!url.trim().startsWith("http")) { return `https://${url}`; } return url; }); } private async getSitemapData(baseUrl: string, documents: Document[]) { const sitemapData = await fetchSitemapData(baseUrl); if (sitemapData) { for (let i = 0; i < documents.length; i++) { const docInSitemapData = sitemapData.find( (data) => this.normalizeUrl(data.loc) === this.normalizeUrl(documents[i].metadata.sourceURL) ); if (docInSitemapData) { let sitemapDocData: Partial = {}; if (docInSitemapData.changefreq) { sitemapDocData.changefreq = docInSitemapData.changefreq; } if (docInSitemapData.priority) { sitemapDocData.priority = Number(docInSitemapData.priority); } if (docInSitemapData.lastmod) { sitemapDocData.lastmod = docInSitemapData.lastmod; } if (Object.keys(sitemapDocData).length !== 0) { documents[i].metadata.sitemap = sitemapDocData; } } } } return documents; } generatesImgAltText = async (documents: Document[]): Promise => { await Promise.all( (document) => { const images = document.content.match(/!\[.*?\]\((.*?)\)/g) || []; await Promise.all( (image: string) => { let imageUrl = image.match(/\(([^)]+)\)/)[1]; let altText = image.match(/\[(.*?)\]/)[1]; if ( !altText && !imageUrl.startsWith("data:image") && /\.(png|jpeg|gif|webp)$/.test(imageUrl) ) { const imageIndex = document.content.indexOf(image); const contentLength = document.content.length; let backText = document.content.substring( imageIndex + image.length, Math.min(imageIndex + image.length + 1000, contentLength) ); let frontTextStartIndex = Math.max(imageIndex - 1000, 0); let frontText = document.content.substring( frontTextStartIndex, imageIndex ); altText = await getImageDescription( imageUrl, backText, frontText ); } document.content = document.content.replace( image, `![${altText}](${imageUrl})` ); }) ); }) ); return documents; }; }