import { withAuth } from "../../lib/withAuth"; import { supabase_service } from "../supabase"; const FREE_CREDITS = 100; export async function billTeam(team_id: string, credits: number) { return withAuth(supaBillTeam)(team_id, credits); } export async function supaBillTeam(team_id: string, credits: number) { if (team_id === "preview") { return { success: true, message: "Preview team, no credits used" }; } console.log(`Billing team ${team_id} for ${credits} credits`); // When the API is used, you can log the credit usage in the credit_usage table: // team_id: The ID of the team using the API. // subscription_id: The ID of the team's active subscription. // credits_used: The number of credits consumed by the API call. // created_at: The timestamp of the API usage. // 1. get the subscription const { data: subscription } = await supabase_service .from("subscriptions") .select("*") .eq("team_id", team_id) .eq("status", "active") .single(); // 2. Check for available coupons const { data: coupons } = await supabase_service .from("coupons") .select("id, credits") .eq("team_id", team_id) .eq("status", "active"); let couponCredits = 0; if (coupons && coupons.length > 0) { couponCredits = coupons.reduce((total, coupon) => total + coupon.credits, 0); } let sortedCoupons = coupons.sort((a, b) => b.credits - a.credits); // using coupon credits: if (couponCredits > 0) { // using only coupon credits: if (couponCredits > credits && !subscription) { // remove credits from coupon credits let usedCredits = credits; while (usedCredits > 0) { // update coupons if (sortedCoupons[0].credits < usedCredits) { usedCredits = usedCredits - sortedCoupons[0].credits; // update coupon credits await supabase_service .from("coupons") .update({ credits: 0 }) .eq("id", sortedCoupons[0].id); sortedCoupons.shift(); } else { // update coupon credits await supabase_service .from("coupons") .update({ credits: sortedCoupons[0].credits - usedCredits }) .eq("id", sortedCoupons[0].id); usedCredits = 0; } } return await createCreditUsage({ team_id, credits: 0 }); // @nick ??? HOW TO HANDLE THIS CASE? // not enough coupon credits but no subscription } else if (!subscription) { return await createCreditUsage({ team_id, credits }); } // using coupon + subscription credits: if (credits > couponCredits) { // update coupon credits for (let i = 0; i < sortedCoupons.length; i++) { await supabase_service .from("coupons") .update({ credits: 0 }) .eq("id", sortedCoupons[i].id); } const usedCredits = credits - couponCredits; return await createCreditUsage({ team_id, subscription_id:, credits: usedCredits }); } } // not using coupon credits if (!subscription) { return await createCreditUsage({ team_id, credits }); } return await createCreditUsage({ team_id, subscription_id:, credits }); } export async function checkTeamCredits(team_id: string, credits: number) { return withAuth(supaCheckTeamCredits)(team_id, credits); } // if team has enough credits for the operation, return true, else return false export async function supaCheckTeamCredits(team_id: string, credits: number) { if (team_id === "preview") { return { success: true, message: "Preview team, no credits used" }; } // Retrieve the team's active subscription const { data: subscription, error: subscriptionError } = await supabase_service .from("subscriptions") .select("id, price_id, current_period_start, current_period_end") .eq("team_id", team_id) .eq("status", "active") .single(); // Check for available coupons const { data: coupons } = await supabase_service .from("coupons") .select("credits") .eq("team_id", team_id) .eq("status", "active"); let couponCredits = 0; if (coupons && coupons.length > 0) { couponCredits = coupons.reduce((total, coupon) => total + coupon.credits, 0); } if (subscriptionError || (!subscription && couponCredits <= 0)) { return { success: false, message: "No active subscription or coupons found" }; } // If there is no active subscription but there are available coupons if (couponCredits >= credits) { return { success: true, message: "Sufficient credits available" }; } // Calculate the total credits used by the team within the current billing period const { data: creditUsages, error: creditUsageError } = await supabase_service .from("credit_usage") .select("credits_used") .eq("subscription_id", .gte("created_at", subscription.current_period_start) .lte("created_at", subscription.current_period_end); if (creditUsageError) { throw new Error(`Failed to retrieve credit usage for subscription_id: ${}`); } const totalCreditsUsed = creditUsages.reduce((acc, usage) => acc + usage.credits_used, 0); // Adjust total credits used by subtracting coupon value const adjustedCreditsUsed = Math.max(0, totalCreditsUsed - couponCredits); // Get the price details const { data: price, error: priceError } = await supabase_service .from("prices") .select("credits") .eq("id", subscription.price_id) .single(); if (priceError) { throw new Error(`Failed to retrieve price for price_id: ${subscription.price_id}`); } // Compare the adjusted total credits used with the credits allowed by the plan if (adjustedCreditsUsed + credits > price.credits) { return { success: false, message: "Insufficient credits, please upgrade!" }; } return { success: true, message: "Sufficient credits available" }; } // Count the total credits used by a team within the current billing period and return the remaining credits. export async function countCreditsAndRemainingForCurrentBillingPeriod( team_id: string ) { // 1. Retrieve the team's active subscription based on the team_id. const { data: subscription, error: subscriptionError } = await supabase_service .from("subscriptions") .select("id, price_id, current_period_start, current_period_end") .eq("team_id", team_id) .single(); const { data: coupons } = await supabase_service .from("coupons") .select("credits") .eq("team_id", team_id) .eq("status", "active"); let couponCredits = 0; if (coupons && coupons.length > 0) { couponCredits = coupons.reduce((total, coupon) => total + coupon.credits, 0); } if (subscriptionError || !subscription) { // Free const { data: creditUsages, error: creditUsageError } = await supabase_service .from("credit_usage") .select("credits_used") .is("subscription_id", null) .eq("team_id", team_id); if (creditUsageError || !creditUsages) { throw new Error(`Failed to retrieve credit usage for team_id: ${team_id}`); } const totalCreditsUsed = creditUsages.reduce( (acc, usage) => acc + usage.credits_used, 0 ); const remainingCredits = FREE_CREDITS + couponCredits - totalCreditsUsed; return { totalCreditsUsed: totalCreditsUsed, remainingCredits, totalCredits: FREE_CREDITS + couponCredits }; } const { data: creditUsages, error: creditUsageError } = await supabase_service .from("credit_usage") .select("credits_used") .eq("subscription_id", .gte("created_at", subscription.current_period_start) .lte("created_at", subscription.current_period_end); if (creditUsageError || !creditUsages) { throw new Error(`Failed to retrieve credit usage for subscription_id: ${}`); } const totalCreditsUsed = creditUsages.reduce((acc, usage) => acc + usage.credits_used, 0); // Adjust total credits used by subtracting coupon value // const adjustedCreditsUsed = Math.max(0, totalCreditsUsed - couponCredits); const { data: price, error: priceError } = await supabase_service .from("prices") .select("credits") .eq("id", subscription.price_id) .single(); if (priceError || !price) { throw new Error(`Failed to retrieve price for price_id: ${subscription.price_id}`); } // Calculate remaining credits. const remainingCredits = price.credits + couponCredits - totalCreditsUsed; return { totalCreditsUsed, remainingCredits, totalCredits: price.credits }; } async function createCreditUsage({ team_id, subscription_id, credits }: { team_id: string, subscription_id?: string, credits: number }) { const { data: credit_usage } = await supabase_service .from("credit_usage") .insert([ { team_id, credits_used: credits, subscription_id: subscription_id || null, created_at: new Date(), }, ]) .select(); return { success: true, credit_usage }; }